Thursday, October 25, 2007

More Packing: Castiglione

More from our What to Pack Meme: this is a list written by Carmine (the Silent Sleeper) for the town of Castiglione, in the region of Abruzzo, Italy.

Castiglione was founded in the medieval period as a small territory belonging to the nearby town of Penne. Its name derives from Castrum, which means castle.
What to Pack for a trip to Castiglione

• Car Sickness Medicine, because the road is very curvy and the castle is on the peak of a hill.

• a camera, because the view is beautiful

• a lot of books, because there is nothing to do, and there is a lot of silence!

• Digerselz, because the food is very very rich and heavy. We fry everything!

Because there isn't any night life, after two days you will want to leave the city, because there is nothing to do!

Remember to participate in this meme...either with comments or a post on your own blog!

-Lost Crew

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