Monday, October 22, 2007

Meme: Once-In-A-Lifetime

This Once-In-A-Lifetime Meme was started by some students before us, bloggers from The Surviving Fleas, and we've been tagged! The idea is to make a list of once-in-a-lifetime goals, from riding a gondola down the Grand Canal in Venice, to being Chuck Berry's bodyguard! Here's what we our "Once-in-a-lifetime" Wishes are (each student was allowed one wish):

Lost In English's Once In A Lifetime Experiences

Liana: Deep Sea Diving
"I think that everybody should go deep sea diving because you feel like you are in another world in a million colours of fish, and peace."

Riccardo: Year in America
"I would like to live at least a year in America. There, there are some of my favourite bands. There are also the greatest and strangest situations, things, places, and people. It is a big and beautiful land."

Matteo: Live like a Hippy
"I think that everyone must live like a hippy. This is because we are used to living with everything--meat at the supermarket, daily showers, a cup of coffee at the bar. But hippies who live in communities in the mountains are without light, without a real house, without a comfortable bed. Volunteering is another good idea. I think people should try living like this for one month."

Simone: Visit Venice, Italy
"I think the most important thing is to visit Venice because it is a historic city, and it is also very romantic for lovers. It also has got a beautiful carnival."

Andrea: A Month at a Spa
"As I often meet stressed-out people, I think that everyone should spend at least one month of his/her life in a spa in the mountains of Switzerland."

Tommaso: Eat Andrea's Mother's Lasagna
"Everyone should eat Andrea's (above) mother's lasagna. I think that if your day was horrible, with lasagna you can change your bad day into a good one. That is why it has been suggested by the best psychologists. Unfortunately, I haven't eaten it yet."

Mario: Travel
"I think that everyone has to visit other countries because this is a beautiful experience. I have travelelled often and I hope to continue in the future. My favourite trip was to Prague."

Carmine: Live Abroad
"I think that this is a very unique experience, and I think that everybody should do this experience because the world is beautiful and it's very good to know different cultures."

Marco: Live in Isolation
"We must go to a place where it is possible to live without things and people, and there is only silence. We can fill up our empty brains. Don't you think so? You can should and run without clothing, as well. I think one month is enough!"

What about YOU? What are your top 10 once-in-a-lifetime wishes? We'd love to know, so we're TAGGING ALL BLOGS! Write your Top once-in-a-lifetime experiences, and let us know what they are! If you haven't got a blog, add a couple experiences in our comment section. Can't wait to hear from you!

-Lost Crew


Rowena said...

Ok Jackie and the Lost Crew! I will do this meme on Friday (25th) because I need to think on it. In the meantime, I'd like to add my 2 cents worth on what everyone here had to say.

Liana - I've always loved the ocean, but unfortunately because of a problem with claustrophobia, I'm afraid to go deep sea diving. Instead I like snorkeling, which is a fantastic sport to do in Hawaii!

Riccardo - Please include the 50th state if perhaps one day you should have the chance to visit America. Learning to dance the hula is a lot of fun!

Matteo - I'm in half agreement with this idea, but to live without coffee (italian, not american) for 1 month? Please, nooooooo! I have 3 mokas in different sizes. They are used everyday.

Simone - Yay! I have been to Venice. And it was for the carnevale!! And the food. :-) [Jackie, you tell everyone how nuts I am for italian food, and not just spaghetti and pizza!]

Andrea - A spa is a wonderful idea, but for now I have my little doggie, Maddie the "coccolona". She is how I de-stress.

Tommaso - Where does Andrea's mom live? I'd be willing to pay to eat lasagna at her house.

Mario - Definitely an excellent idea, and I am still working on all parts of Italy! I adore sagre e feste in Italy. Celebration + food = fun!

Carmine - Yay! I am living abroad. The differences between Hawaii and Italy are immense, but I am lucky because both places have their own beauty.

Marco - I would live in a mountain hut where there is no one around. No pc, no stupid cellphone, no tv, no iPod...but maybe at least some paper and artist pencils so that I could draw and sketch nature subjects. As for the nudity idea, no way pal! I am terrified of bugs and bug bites!

Thanks for giving me a good reason to constructively use part of my morning. I am feeling terrible with a cold. Pray for me! ;-)

October Students said...

Hi Rowena,
thank you for your participation,
we hope that in Hawai'i there is a lot of space for us to stay.
we want to learn the hula and then eat the soup that you prepare! :)

-lost crew

The Passionate Palate said...

Lost in English Gang -
Well done! Bravi! Your English is great. I will try to get to this meme this weekend.

Your English is better than my husband's. (He is from Macerata and has lived in the U.S. for 26 years!) ;-)

Rob said...

Fantastic meme and all your suggestions are very good! Your English is excellent too.

I will do this meme on my blog next week (I need time to think on this as well).

Anonymous said...

Just happened to stumble on your meme you guys, through Slippers in Italy.
Your English is wonderful, wish my Italian was as good, keep it up and if any of you decide to cross the big pond someday drop into my country, Canada, you'll love it!

ThreeTastes said...

I, too, found your blog through Rubber Slippers in Italy... this blog is a great idea to practice another language!

My once-in-a-lifetime dream is to live in Italy for a few years! I've visited Roma, Bari, Firenze, Bologna and the Cinque Terre and each time I never wanted to leave.

I also share Liana's dream to go scuba diving again -- it really is a wonderful peaceful experience. And Liana, I hope you have a chance to dive in Palau one day. It is a beautiful unspoiled island nation with unbelievable dive sites. You will dive with sharks without danger because there are so many fish, they are not interested in humans! ; )